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How to Skip a Via Point Zumo 396: A Simple Guide

How to Skip a Via Point Zumo 396: A Simple Guide

by Joseph

The Garmin Zumo 396 is a fantastic tool for motorcyclists and road trippers alike. It offers reliable GPS navigation with detailed routes, helping you explore new paths with ease. But what happens when you want to skip a via point? Maybe you planned a stop that you no longer need or want to avoid a certain section of the route. Learning how to ignore a via point on the Zumo 396 can save you time and frustration, allowing you to adjust your route on the go.

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about skipping via points on the Zumo 396 so you can get the most out of your GPS without any hiccups.

What is a Via Point on the Zumo 396?

Before we dive into how to skip a via point, it’s important to understand what a “via point” actually is.

A via point is a specific location that you’ve added to your route, usually as a planned stop or a way to direct your trip along certain roads. These points help break your journey into segments, offering more control over the route compared to a direct “start-to-end” navigation.

However, if your plans change mid-ride or you want to bypass one of these stops, you’ll want to know how to skip it and move on to the next point.

Why Would You Want to Skip a Via Point?

There are several reasons you might want to skip a via point on your Zumo 396:

  • Change of Plans: Maybe you initially planned to stop at a scenic lookout or restaurant but now want to head directly to your next destination.
  • Time Constraints: You might be running late and need to save time by skipping unnecessary stops.
  • Traffic or Road Conditions: If the road ahead is closed or you’re stuck in traffic near a very low point, skipping it can help you avoid delays.

Luckily, the Zumo 396 offers a simple way to bypass a Via point without having to restart your route or manually reconfigure the entire trip.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Skip a Via Point on the Zumo 396

If you’re on the road and decide to skip a stop, follow these easy steps to skip a via point on the Zumo 396:

1. Access the Current Route

Once you’re navigating your route, the Zumo 396 will show your path and the upcoming via points.

  • On the main screen, tap the “Map” icon to see the route you’re currently following.
  • You should also see a summary of your trip, including any upcoming points.

2. Open the “Skip” Function

Garmin has made it easy to skip a via point without needing to stop and dig through complicated menus.

  • Look for the “Skip” button. It will appear on your screen while the GPS is guiding you through a route.
  • The button might look like a forward arrow or show the word “Skip”, depending on your settings.

3. Confirm Skipping the Via Point

Once you tap the “Skip” button, the Zumo 396 will prompt you to confirm your decision.

  • A pop-up message will appear asking if you want to skip the current via point.
  • Select “Yes” to proceed, and the GPS will automatically reroute you to the next point in your trip.

4. Continue Your Journey

After confirming the skip, the Zumo 396 will remove the via point from your active route. You’ll now be guided directly to the next location, skipping the unwanted stop entirely.

Customizing Your Routes for Flexibility

If you often find yourself needing to skip via points, it might be worth exploring other features on the Zumo 396 to make your routes more flexible. Here are a few tips:

1. Use Waypoints for Greater Control

Waypoints are another type of location marker in Garmin’s navigation system, and they can be used more freely than via points. You can set multiple waypoints and decide later which ones to visit.

2. Optimize Your Route

If time is a factor, the Zumo 396 has a handy route optimization feature. Before starting your trip, you can allow the GPS to reorder stops for the fastest possible journey.

3. Edit Routes on the Fly

You can also edit your route while you’re driving. If you know in advance that you’ll need to skip a point or take a detour, adjust the route directly in the Zumo 396’s settings to save yourself a future skip.

Common Issues and How to Avoid Them

While skipping a via point on the Zumo 396 is generally easy, there are a few potential snags you might run into. Here’s how to troubleshoot:

1. The Skip Button Isn’t Showing

If you’re driving and the “Skip” button doesn’t appear, make sure you’re actually following a route with multiple via points. The skip option is only available if there’s more than one point left in the route.

2. Incorrect Route Recalculations

After skipping a via point, the Zumo 396 might recalculate the route incorrectly. If this happens, double-check your new route to make sure it aligns with your original destination. If not, use the manual rerouting feature to adjust.

3. GPS Signal Drops

In areas with poor GPS reception, your Zumo 396 might struggle to update after you skip a via point. Try waiting until you have a stronger signal before skipping, or stop temporarily to reset the device.


Knowing how to skip a via point on the Zumo 396 can make your journey much more flexible and enjoyable. Whether you’re changing plans or want to bypass a stop, following the simple steps outlined above will allow you to make adjustments on the go without hassle.

With features like the “Skip” button and the ability to customize routes, Garmin Zumo 396 ensures that your road trips are smooth and stress-free. Happy riding!


1. Can I skip multiple points at once?

No, you’ll need to skip each via point individually by pressing the skip button when it appears. The Zumo 396 only allows you to skip one moment at a time.

2. Will skipping a point affect the final destination?

No, skipping a via point only removes that particular stop from your route. The Zumo 396 will still guide you to the final destination as planned.

3. How do I add a new via point to my route while on the road?

You can add a new via point by selecting a location on the map and choosing “Add to Active Route” in the Zumo 396 menu.

4. What happens if I accidentally skip the wrong point?

If you skip a via point by mistake, you can manually reroute back to it using the map or by selecting it again from the trip planner.

5. Is the skip function available on other Garmin devices?

Yes, many Garmin GPS models offer a similar skip function, though the location of the button may differ slightly depending on the model.

6. Does skipping via points save time on long trips?

Yes, skipping unnecessary stops can help you stay on schedule and avoid extra driving time, especially on long journeys.

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